Ziarul britanic The Guardian a prezentat in urma cu doua zile, in cadrul sectiunii "Pick of the week", albumul Innei, Hot, aparut prin casa de discuri Ultra Records.
Din motive obiective, nu ne permitem sa traducem prezentarea facuta de celebrul ziar britanic deoarece nu vrem sa denaturam nici sensul, nici contextul usor ... stalcit.
VEZI MAI JOS CE SE SPUNE DESPRE INNA. NOI le dorim multe 'succesuri' incontinuare, nu? :) ENJOY!
The Guardian: "As one of the Black Country's foremost music critics, it would be remiss of me to neglect to mention that Romanian Eurodance behemoth Inna is one of the most attractive sentient beings on God's Earth, and that she insists on populating her videos with other, similarly attractive ladies. For all that, it's hard not to be charmed by her stricken diva posturing and adorably loopy lyrics, which seem to have been converted into English via one of those free translation websites. Prosti dar buna, as they say in Bucharest."
Ziarul The Guardian zice ca INNA este: "Prosti dar buna" :)
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